
Stand by, please…

NOTE: This is [no longer as of 2/29/2020] “stuck” to the top. Check below for possible new posts.

Got some stuff going on. 2019’s been a very tough year. I’m desperately searching for a new home.

I’d appreciate if you’d check back in once in awhile to see if I’m back. Feel free to contact me as well.

I will be back.

Update (1/6/2020):
No longer “desperately searching for a new home”. I have a place to stay for now and I have bought a RV (specifically a Class C motorhome) so I will be doing some traveling.
I will post about all this soon and I will start a new blog or add a new section to this one. I pick up the RV, probably tomorrow if all goes well.
Watch for the new post for more info.

Happy Gardening!

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