
Peas, man.

I got a row of peas planted. The garden hasn’t been tilled yet but I had to get them in. Now I’m wondering if I’ll bother having it tilled this year. I think I
will because I’m hoping he can also move something for me with the tractor.

It’s grown a bit since I took this photo

In one of the raised beds I planted the scallion bulbs I harvested last year from the Egyptian Walking onions, some small onions from last year’s harvest (probably go to seed), spinach, lettuce seed I harvested from last year. All the above is coming up…not sure if the spinach is, actually but I think so. Also, an experiment with the bases of two romaine hearts to see if they’ll grow, and ½-dozen Romaine starts I bought.


In one of the black tubs I planted Nasturtium seeds harvested from last year. They haven’t sprouted yet but some that I planted inside are growing well so I know the seeds were good. In black tub number two, the catnip is coming to life.

In tubs number three and four, what appears to be volunteer Chamomile is growing. Some of it I transplanted from the raised bed. I don’t know why there would be any there as I didn’t plant any, so that casts some doubt on the ID. However it has been coming back every year (in the tubs) since I planted it a number of years ago. There is a group of seedlings in one of the tubs too. Maybe Sunflowers…we shall see I guess.

By the way, the black plastic tubs aren’t really numbered. Haha.

Some of the indoor seedlings

Also planted inside, several types of peppers (slow going), Beefsteak and cherry (I’ll update with the variety later) tomatoes, dill (from saved seeds), Echinacea (from saved seeds), basil, sensitive plant, Black-Eyed Susan (no luck yet), sage, oregano, another ½-dz Romaine lettuce plants, and a white sage (yes!!! finally!). I know, not all are veggies but I thought it only fair to name them all.


The Rhubarb is growing, not as vigorously as the remaining un-moved ones but they’ll get there (I hope).

I’m happy to report that ALL of the Asparagus planted last spring has re-emerged!


That is all I have regarding the garden so far.

In other news, the water garden suffered a catastrophe this winter and after burying nine goldfish, there is only one remaining. Not only could I not get out to the pond to melt a hole in the ice but the pump, which was partly clogged and only moving a small amount of water got carelessly unplugged and so it froze. Otherwise the trickle would’ve most likely been sufficient to keep a hole in the ice. I just got a new pump so I have a lot of work to do in the pond/water garden. Going to give it a thorough cleaning and thin out the water lilies that got crazy out of control!

Happy Gardening!

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