What’s in my garden?
Since I was asked again today, I thought I’d list what’s in my garden, in order of the planted rows. I have a diagram on graph paper that I’ll eventually scan and post.
I had a few extra tomato plants I ended up putting in random places.
So, from furthest from the gate to closest to the gate:
Asparagus. Just planted it this spring, and it’s doing fairly well.
A couple small Egyptian Onions in a space between the asparagus and the…
Rhubarb. 5 – 6 plants that I relocated this spring followed by 5 – 6 plants that I relocated here last spring. They are holding their own but I think they should be doing better.
Planting tubs:
1) Nasturtium. Slow start but in full bloom now. Planted a whole packet of seeds and ended up with three plants. At first there was one, then more came up later, so there’s a big one and a couple small ones.
2) Catnip planted last year. It’s doing well, but I can’t touch it or Mila (my cat) will attack my hand when I get inside, even if I scrub my hands. Once in awhile I bring her in a sprig. She loves it of course.
3) Chamomile and Basil. The chamomile comes back every year, this would be the third year since I planted the seeds. It’s a little sparse this year and I may have ruined my streak by cutting it back too much. The basil is strange. I planted a whole packet where the chamomile left a space and a whole bunch of seedlings sprouted…and several weeks later, they have remained the size of newly sprouted seedlings. Will be giving them (and everything else) a boost soon.
4) Dill. I planted a packet of dill seeds. They sprouted and then they gradually disappeared before growing very much. So I bought about a dozen dill plants. I put half in here and half in another part of the garden. The ones in this tub have been disappearing and I’m down to one and a very weak one. The other half are doing great!
~ I think after this season I am going to add some good soil and compost to these tubs.
Main garden:
Fence line: Weeds, Marigolds, and recently planted gourd seeds
Front (right) fence line: Sunflowers (just now sprouting), recently planted morning glory seeds, and recently planted gourd seeds
- Onions
- Hot Peppers. Different varieties including habanero, jalapeno, and cayenne. Also one cherry tomato plant.
- Tomatoes
- Marigolds and one cherry tomato plant
- Potatoes – some saved from last year
- Potatoes – Yukon Gold I think *
- Potatoes – Cobbler *
* At the ends of the second two rows of potatoes I planted some pumpkins and butterbush squash. I’m not sure what finally ended up growing in these spots. Doh! - Swiss Chard. One part of the row is doing very well. The rest is a little spotty.
- Onions – this year I bought them by weight and wasn’t sure how far a pound would go…next year maybe a half-pound will be better but we’ll see how this harvest goes.
- More Marigolds
- A zig-zag pattern of poles (2×3’s) which will have string and or trellis
attached to support cucumbers planted between them (zig-zagged); at each pole I planted pole beans…some need to be re-planted for the second time, some are growing well. Between the poles (straight lines as the rows normally go) are summer squash as well as some acorn and/or butterbush squash. One tomato plant. At the fence line, offset between this and the other rows are a couple more pumpkin plants.
- Acorn Squash and a tomato plant
- Beets – If I can get out there and carefully weed them they should do well
- Parsnips – never saw a seedling, taken over by weeds now
- Carrots – similar to the parsnips but there are a few tiny carrot plants
- Marigolds/sunflowers – I may be wrong but I think sunflowers attract pests which might defeat the purpose of the marigolds. Hopefully I am wrong.
Raised beds L-R
- Strawberry (second and third year), chives (third year), Egyptian Walking Onions (planted this spring)
- Peppermint, Lemon Balm, Spearmint
- The third box was planted last fall with garlic and a small section of shallots. It was growing great and I mulched it after the hard frost. When i pulled back the mulch in the spring there were tunnels on the surface of the soil and the garlic was all gone. The few remaining plants I thought were garlic but now I’m thinking are shallots. There was also one that has to be garlic but it may be gone now. (See my entry “Check them for garlic breath?“). I have been planting random things in here now. Currently there are 3 – 4 heads of lettuce, more onions!, some swiss chard, carrots (which haven’t appeared yet), a Jalapeno pepper plant (a lone survivor out of six I planted as seedlings as an experiment – too small to transplant really), a few marigolds and sunflowers – oh and the other half of the dill plants I bought. They’re doing great!
Along the fence behind here I recently planted more gourd seeds and random morning glory seeds…still waiting. Outside the fence at the corner there is a bunch of sunflowers growing. By the compost bin there are marigolds, a volunteer tomato plant and I planted morning glory and maybe gourd seeds (I got ruthless and don’t remember). On the other side of the compost bin there is some half-done compost from last year and several volunteer tomato plants are growing from that (there are several volunteers in the garden too). Also I planted gourd seeds along the fence there.
Purslane! OMG! Read about Purslane here and Google it for even more info. It’s both invasive and good for you. Haha
I also have a small garden nearby where last year I grew corn unsuccessfully (the weeds overwhelmed the corn and me) and this year I grew peas with limited success. Other things I planted in there this year didn’t even come up. This 8 x 10 garden is probably going to be returning to lawn, since grass seems to grow well in here.
That’s it…I’m sure I probably missed something. If so I’ll add it in later. I’ll also post my diagram sometime soon. More pics coming soon too!