This Impossible Garden

Getting There (And Getting Real)!

Potatoes in grass-catcher bins
Potatoes in grass-catcher bins

At the corner of Compost Bin and Garden Gate, I planted some sunflower seeds, eaten by the local wildlife.

I drilled holes in the old grass-catchers and put potatoes in them as well as in the old wicker basket I used last year. In the little area where I planted sunflowers, there is a lemon balm that spread (must’ve been by seed) from the raised bed they are normally in and I thought, that’s fine there.

Volunteer Lemon Balm before the sunflowers came up and got eaten
Volunteer Lemon Balm before the Sunflowers came up and got eaten

The potatoes are doing fine and I got a whole row in the garden planted as well, all from sprouted spuds from last years crop. I didn’t buy any seed potatoes this year. I was going to but I think I waited too long, sadly.

imag0121I’m going to move the compost bin soon, as it may be one of the ways the critters are gaining entry to the fortress that is my garden. Working on further securing the perimeter but problems problems problems. Anyway, moving the bin is one of the many steps I’ll be taking and I have seriously considered electric fencing. This is getting real.

In the old galvanized bucket I planted some fancy sunflowers also, as well as in the main garden. I thought they were taking their time coming up but now I’m starting to wonder…

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